You might not have learned of it earlier. Vaginal stenosis lies among those conditions that you are improbable to come across except when you spot symptoms yourself.
Vaginal stenosis:
First, let’s have a peek at what vaginal stenosis actually is and how this condition happens. The term stenosis applies to the irregular constriction of any passage of the body. Accordingly, the name vaginal stenosis is given to the shortening and narrowing of the vagina. It also concerns the lack of elasticity and flexibility.
If you develop vaginal stenosis it is likely that your vaginal lining will be affected, it starts to become thin and drier. It can result in scar tissues that will offer health indications varying from sexual problems and discomfort to challenges in examinations. It can likewise cause some emotional issues, reasonably.
Causes of vaginal stenosis
Vaginal stenosis causes differ but in the majority of the cases, treatment with radiations is the reason, whether it involves external beam therapy (EBRT), brachytherapy (internal implants), pelvic radiation therapy (RT).
Women that had radiation therapy for cancers of the pelvic area stand at the highest risk of acquiring this condition, and it usually affects about one-third of radiation patients. It is hence observed as a prevalent adverse effect of radiation therapy.
If you have undergone radiation treatment concerning any of the cancers mentioned below, you may be at risk:
● Rectal cancer
● Bladder cancer
● Cancer of the uterus
● Cancer of the lymph glands
Chemotherapy can cause it too, and so can some types of genital operations in this area. More infrequently, congenital adrenal hyperplasia is able to cause it.
Vaginal stenosis symptoms
These are the most prevalent vaginal stenosis symptoms to watch out for:
● Dry vaginal lining/loss of lubrication
● The thinner, more fragile vaginal lining
● Scar tissue formation (fibrosis)
● Shortening of the vagina (due to fibrosis)
● Narrowing of the vagina (due to fibrosis)
● Lack of flexibility and elasticity in the vagina
● Reduced blood flow because of reduction of blood vessels in the vagina
● Vaginal secretion/discharge
● Muscle loss
● Adhesions
Typically what you are experiencing is some sort of vaginal atrophy. In this case, vaginal atrophy happens because the epithelium layer of the vagina has gotten used to damage, and the outcome is reduced collagen production. You may find that you begin to encounter dyspareunia and other sexual problems. Likewise, routine checks in the pelvic area may become painful or uncomfortable.