While bleeding of different sorts can be typical and expected for ladies in their reproductive years, postmenopausal bleeding is rarely ordinary.
Menopause is initiated by the decrease in estrogen that in the long run brings a perpetual end to the conceptive cycle. While you may encounter perimenopausal menstrual irregularities for quite a long time, when you have gone an entire year without having a period, you have precisely entered menopause. On the off chance that bleeding is happening after that limit, it's essential to talk with your health care provider immediately. Such bleeding can indicate significant health issues that require prompt treatment.

A number of the reasons for abnormal bleeding and other upsetting indications can include:
Vaginal Atrophy
Vaginal Atrophy is encountered by almost half of postmenopausal women. The most widely recognized indications of vaginal atrophy include dryness, itching, and irritation, all of these results from lacking levels of estrogen. Without moisture and flexibility, sexual activity can cause pain, distress, and bleeding. Altogether, this condition doesn't resolve itself without treatment; actually, it's probably going to deteriorate.
Cervical Polyps
Ladies of all ages may encounter cervical polyps, either single or in the form of groups. While the reason for cervical polyps isn't completely comprehended, they are known to be related to aggravation of the inflamed cervix and might be influenced by changing levels or reactions to estrogen after menopause. Adverse effects of polyps can involve bleeding and vaginal discharge and also pain and bleeding especially linked with sexual activity.
Endometrial Atrophy
The endometrium is the internal covering of a woman's uterus; the layer grows and sheds during the monthly cycle, because of varying levels of estrogen and progesterone. Following menopause, nonetheless, the body doesn't get similar hormonal signals to recover. Endometrial atrophy happens when estrogen levels are diminished enough that the endometrium grows extremely thin and postmenopausal bleeding may happen.
Endometrial Hyperplasia
While endometrial atrophy is a thinning of endometrial covering, endometrial hyperplasia is an abundance, likely because of an oversupply of estrogen without sufficient progesterone to adjust it. Bleeding can happen as an indication of this inflammatory condition.
Endometrial Cancer
Cancer can be one reason for the bleeding and pain in the pelvis in postmenopausal women, and initial detection can assist you to get treated as soon as possible.
Abnormal bleeding can be upsetting, even terrifying. Getting the correct diagnosis is necessary to know what you are undergoing and beginning the treatment you require to lessen any further health risks.